dõTERRA Essential Oils

“Healthy plants and trees yield abundant flowers and fruits. Similarly, from a healthy person, smiles and happiness shine forth like the rays of sun.”
B.K.S. Iyengar

I was first introduced to dõTERRA essential oils on a yoga workshop and immediately fell in love with the purity and the ethics of the company.

After having major surgery in 2018, an experience that took an immense toll on my body both emotionally and physically, I found that my recovery was largely aided by these essential oils.

I decided to train as a dõTERRA wellness advocate so that I could understand more about the healing benefits of the oils and learned about all the ways they can transform your health:

A sense of smell can elicit powerful physiological, mental, and emotional responses, meaning essential oils can be used to lift spirits or calm a mood simply by placing one or two drops in the diffuser.

Topical application allows the oils to be absorbed by the skin, alleviating aches and pains.

And, as well as making many recipes (like my yummy vegan chocolates) taste delicious, there’s also huge benefits to ingesting oils too – with many natural plants having so many healing benefits.

I use essential oils in all of my yoga classes, in my cooking, massage and generally anywhere I can in my day to day life, and I certainly recognise the benefits.

So if you’re interested in learning more about how you can restore emotional and physical balance to your body through aromatherapy with dõTERRA essential oils, then get in touch with me and I’ll hold a workshop for you and a few friends so that you can find out more!